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Floré International | Gut Health Test & Custom Probiotics

$549.00 $800.00 saving $251.00
Floré International | Gut Health Test & Custom Probiotics
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Crohns And Colitis Foundation

Giving Back

Crohns And Colitis Foundation

We are delighted to provide a portion of our proceeds to the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to finding cures for Crohn's & Colitis and improving the quality of those living with these diseases. To learn more about the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation, please visit their website:

 Crohn's & Colitis Foundation

Do you live outside the US? We offer a special package for you of the test and probiotics to eliminate accessing shipping costs and logistics of the monthly shipments. You can purchase one-time or as a recurring subscription, where you will get to retest and get a new formula with every renewal.


Truly custom formulated probiotics based on a Complete Gut Microflora Test. Instead of recommending multiple supplements, we analyze the trillions of microbes in your gut microflora, and craft a unique formula for your unique gut health needs. Our formulas are designed so you only have to take one-pill-a-day and we cold ship it directly to your door.


Floré personalized probiotics support GI motility, SIBO, leaky gut, and overall digestive wellness. They are 100% natural, vegan (optional), gluten-free, non-GMO, and are formulated without artificial preservatives*.

*Results typical of

preclinical study


IBS with 490
IBS with 490 img
